Positive Role Modelling Education

Bullying and Violence Prevention Presentation, age appropriate workshop for players and Positive Role Modelling session.

Players and parents first work with Sammy D Foundation faciliators to unpack the story of Sam Davis who was tragically killed as a result of a violent and unprovoked one punch assault. Sam's story provides students with an example of the characteristics and consequences of bullying and violence. 

Following the presentation, age appropriate workshops will see our Education Facilitators work with groups of players to explore in greater detail the characteristics and impacts of bullying and violence, while senior players, parents and club officials look at the impacts of negative sideline behaviours and their influences.

Target age: Players aged 12+, parents and club officials
Approximate run time: 50 minute Violence and Bullying Prevention Presentation  followed by 25 minute Bullying Prevention Workshop (players) and Positive Role Modelling session (parents, officials and club members) run simultaneously.

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