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Bullying Prevention Education

‘True Colours’ is an eight-week, student led, inquiry-based bullying prevention program that empowers students to lead their own learning in small groups.

Students will identify what bullying is, why it happens and how they think it can be stopped.

 The name True Colours reflects the critical moment a decision is made whether to engage in, or react to, a bullying or violent situation. At that moment, what are your True Colours? Will you walk away? Will you stop a mate? Will you say no to bullying and violence?

The Sammy D Education team will facilitate weeks one, five and eight and remaining weeks will be led by classroom or subject teachers.

Over the eight weeks students will spend a set amount of time working on their inquiry project, developing a research methodology, collecting, and analysing data, identifying a solution/recommendation, and developing an innovative way to get their key message across to the broader community.

Students are only limited by their imagination and what they can achieve in the eight weeks.

To see how this program links to the Australian Curriculum click here.



To talk to our Education Team about Bullying Prevention Education please click here.


True Colours is an endorsed program on the South Australian Department for Education External Wellbeing Directory
