An Important Message from the Sammy D Foundation
To our wonderful supporters and partners of the Sammy D Foundation,
Firstly our thoughts are with you and your loved ones during this unprecedented time. On behalf of the entire Sammy D Team, we hope you are staying safe and well.
I’m writing to update you on the recent developments regarding COVID-19 and how it is impacting the Sammy D Foundation.
As you may be aware our key stakeholders are those involved in school and sporting environments and we have been staying up to date and responding to all government advice when delivering our education programs. However, since tighter (and necessary ) restrictions have been announced to stop the spread of the virus, all of these education programs have been postponed. In addition, our fundraising activities have all been postponed/ cancelled for 2020.
With this in mind, to ensure the longevity of the organisation, we have made the decision to have a period of shut down from April 2nd – April 24th at this stage.
Our team have been amazing and proactively looking at innovative ways to deliver our programs virtually and we will be here with a number of delivery options when the time is right for schools and sporting clubs.
Our Care Mentoring program will still be continuing throughout this shutdown as we will provide mentoring services virtually. We believe this will keep young people connected and most importantly supported during this time.
2020 is going to be challenging for our organisation and your continued support will be vital so that we can continue to educate and empower young people to reduce violence, bullying and alcohol and other drug misuse, for a safer community.
Take care and stay healthy,
Brigid Koenig
General Manager
Brett Duncanson