Behaviour changing message from Sammy D Foundation hits home
Hahndorf Cricket Club
Hahndorf Cricket Club committe member Hamish Browning said that more than 90 people who attended a Sammy D Foundation presentation at the clubrooms last week were blown away by its impact.
“You could have heard a pin drop", he said
Mr Browning said the SA Cricket Association (SACA) had approached the club to host Sammy D founder Neil Davis, who established the foundation in 2008 afterr his teenage son Sam Davis was killed in a one punch attack.
Members of the Hahndorf cricket, football, netball and soccer clubs attended the presentation on June 23 and Mr Browning said the message hit home.
"I work in agribusiness and I attend a lot of these workshops and presentations, this one was sensational, I truly think it will change people's behaviour", he said. "I had a lot of feedback in that vein. It was a great moment to reflect on our own behaviours."
Mr Browning said the presentation touched on the dangers of violence, abuse and the day-to-day behaviours that can impact young people.
"When Neil was talking about the one punch attack it made me think about my own children and the kids that I coach and how easilly something can happen, whether it's in a pub, at a party or on a football field," he said.
“It was a stark reminder of how fragile life can be and how one action can change or end your life."
"The message of learning to walk away, getting your mates to walk away, remebering not to yell at umpires and that children learn from their parents' behaviours certainly got through."
Josh Teakle, The Courier Wednesday June 2021