Resignation of the CEO Brigid Koenig

Resignation of CEO, Brigid Koenig


Today, the Sammy D Foundation has announced the resignation of CEO, Brigid Koenig.


Chair, Brett Duncanson said, Brigid has been a great leader of the Foundation over the last six and a half years and leaves with a strong legacy.


“Under Brigid’s guidance, we have seen the Sammy D Foundation educate more than 150,000 Australians on the impacts of bulling, violence, and alcohol and drug fuelled violence, with the strong message of saying NO to violence and YES to mateship,” Mr Duncanson said.


“We have increased our geographic reach, having now delivered programs in Northern Territory and New South Wales, and expanded our mentoring program, providing more opportunities for young South Australians to be matched with positive role models to support them achieve personal life goals.


“The Foundation has also grown its strong reputation in the South Australian community, as we continue to honour the legacy of Sam Davis more than 16  years after his tragic passing through a one punch attack.


“On behalf of our Founders and Sam’s parents, Nat Cook and Neil Davis, the Board, our employees, our volunteers and the entire Sammy D community, we’d like to thank Brigid for her outstanding commitment and leadership, and wish her well with her future endeavours.” he said.  


The Sammy D Foundation has commenced a recruitment process for a new CEO, and looks forward to our next phase as we continue to work towards ending violence by connecting and empowering young people across Australia.




Contact: Liam Hunt, Director Sammy D Foundation -  0410 482 268 |

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