Response to recent assaults in Adelaide

Statement from Sammy D Foundation in response to two recent assaults in Adelaide

In response to the two recent assaults in Adelaide, Sammy D Foundation CEO, Brigid Koenig would like to make the following statement:

“We are extremely saddened to hear of the violent attacks occurring in Taperoo and Adelaide CBD over the weekend. Everyone has the right to live their lives free of violence and to feel safe in their community.

Our thoughts are with both the victim’s family and friends as they struggle to comprehend these senseless acts of violence, and the inevitability that their lives have been changed forever.

We have been there. We know their pain. Our Foundation was born from this pain.

As the impact of these incidences’ ripples through the community, our thoughts are also with those who witnessed the events, the perpetrators family and friends, the emergency services personnel who responded and the broader community. These impacts will be felt for years to come.

The Sammy D Foundation does not condone the use of violence in any form.

We do not discourage young people from partying and enjoying themselves, however, we want them to take positive actions to keep themselves and their mates safe. We encourage them to monitor their drinking, look out for each other, and if they see a situation occurring, be a good mate, grab their friends and walk away.

The Sammy D Foundation’s education programs are designed to support young people to identify risky situations and have the inner strength to make positive life choices and walk away. The more we focus on funding and increasing the reach of prevention programs like the Foundation’s, the less likely it is that violent incidents will occur. Youth violence is preventable."

For further comment or interview from the Sammy D Foundation, please contact:
Brigid Koenig - CEO - Sammy D Foundation - 0467772464
