Sammy D Foundation Educates over 27,000 school participants in 2019
2 December 2019 | Media Release, Adelaide, SA
The Sammy D Foundation has reached over 27,000 school participants, across 420 programs delivered across South Australian schools in 2019; a 400% increase on program delivery compared to previous years.
The Sammy D Foundation offers school-based presentations and educational workshop sessions for young people around the consequences of bullying, violence and drug and alcohol misuse, and provides them with the knowledge and strategies to keep themselves and their mates safe.
The increase in program delivery has been made possible through the ongoing support and comittment from the South Australian State Government, through the Department for Education.
The full suite of programs offered by the Sammy D Foundation include bullying & violence prevention presentations and alcohol and other drug education presenetations which all can be coupled with suitable, age appropriate workshops. An 8 week student led, bullying prevention program, True Colours is also being piloted throughout primary schools 2018-2020
Sammy D Foundation General Manager, Brigid Koenig, said that 2019 has been an outstanding year for the organisation.
“Being able to educate over 27000 school participants in 2019 is a remarkable result, and something we want to achieve again in 2020” Said Ms Koenig.
“These programs are such a valuable resource for the schools and young people who engage with the programs, with the post evaluations showing that 92% of our session participants did not get involved in bullying because of the information they were given and 98% of participants were more aware of the risks associated with drug and alcohol misuse.”
The South Australian Minister for Education, John Gardner, said that organisations such as The Sammy D Foundation is a boost to the existing Schooling syllabus.
“Partnering with organisations like the Sammy D Foundation enhances the existing curriculum and give schools access to great specialist education programs.”
“Our Government is very serious about deterring young people from having any involvement in illegal drugs, as well as strengthening our response to bullying both within and beyond the school gates.”
The Principal at John Pirie Secondary School attests to the how the Foundation is changing lives; “Since engaging Sammy D Foundation in 2013 to form a partnership with our school we have seen an 82% reduction in threatened or actual violence.
Sammy D Foundation’s education programs make a difference to our community and have contributed significantly to the creation of a safe learning environment at John Pirie Secondary School. “
FREE and subsidised programs are still available for all SA Schools in 2020.
For further information and details on these programs please click here.
For media or interview enquires please contact: Leigh McGrane – 0438 699 795 -
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