The impact of violence prevention education


Senior Leader of Wellbeing and Inclusion speaks on the impact of Sammy D Foundation violence prevention education

On 9 September, the Department for Education held a FLO/TLP Network and EXPO day in Lightsview that was attended by members of the Sammy D Foundation Education and Mentoring Team, Scott and Tristan. This was an opportunity to promote our services to approximately 100 schools, FLO/TLP providers and others who provide services to young people in school across South Australia.

During the day, Sandro Bracci, the senior leader of wellbeing and inclusion at Woodville High School spoke with the team about the impact of our violence prevention program on students and was even happy to say so on camera right then and there at the event!

Sandro was adamant that the Foundation has real tangible impact on students in school. He mentioned that staff can “can see through the presentation how they [the students] are visibly moved by what’s been said” and that they noticed “lots of students talking about it”, and sharing the story and the message to others.  “They really take on board the message of looking after their friends”

 It’s extremely challenging to quantify the success or effectiveness of a preventative program. Without some sort of sci-fi gadget that allows you to jump to different dimensions, how do you measure the numbers of people who have not died? How do we know The Sammy D Foundation is having an influence on this?

 Sandro knows we have an impact.

“We know from ex-students […] they have told us, they have been in situations, parties or nightclubs, where they have walked away from things […] and tried to get their friends away from the situation”.
“that’s the real impact of the Sammy D Foundation”

If you want the children and young people at your school to hear the presentation, encourage the principal or wellbeing leader to contact us today!
