Were back on deck part time!

To our supporters and partners,

We hope you are your families are keeping safe and well.

I am pleased to inform you that our team have returned to work on a part-time basis. Our office will be occupied from Tuesdays - Thursdays, 8am – 3:30pm.

We appreciate your patience whilst we were in our shutdown period, and are encouraged by your ongoing support as we explore and implement strategies to best continue to incite positive change in our community.

Our Care Mentoring program has successfully continued virtually throughout our shutdown period, allowing our mentees to be able to receive much needed engagement and support during this time. In addition to this, our team are exploring options for virtual education programs to ensure that young people in our community are given the opportunity to participate in bullying and violence, and alcohol and other drug education programs.

We look forward to providing you updates on all of our programs as we make further development.

As I am sure you understand, at this time we are unable to provide an update on any of our regular events. However, we look forward to coming together once it is safe to do so.

We hope that you continue to stay safe and healthy,

Brigid Koenig
General Manager
