Great Night Out Campaign


GNO2.jpgIn October 2013 the Foundation was successful in securing funding through the Attorney General’s Department Late Night Safety Initiative, for the development of a state-wide awareness and education campaign.

The project had three distinct phases:

  1. Youth consultation and questionnaire and community consultation
  2. Market research – quantative and qualitative
  3. Design and delivery of the campaign

The basic premise of 'Great Night Out' was that people in South Australia should be able to enjoy a night out without the threat of violence. The primary objective of the community education campaign was to curb the number of incidents of alcohol-related violence within the South Australian community, specifically within and around entertainment settings.

'Great Night Out' had a prominent online and social media presence, as well as a dedicated mass media hub that provided a range of information and educational materials. A series of special guest video blogs offered the opportunity to view messages from experts such as emergency services professionals, health workers as well as sporting personalities and individuals impacted by violent incidents.

The centrepiece of the campaign was the highly visible ‘blog-a-van’ which attended over 100 late night venues, entertainment precincts, and various major events across South Australia to provide direct engagement opportunities.

More than 266 video blogs were captured from individuals and uploaded to YouTube and the mass media hub, allowing participants to share their own personal insights and experiences relating to social norms of youth violence and late night safety issues.

The mass media hub was retired in 2016.
